Welcome to the Photo Gallery of the William P. Duval Chapter! As you can see, we are an active and friendly chapter! Ask us how you can become a member!
2023 Winter Park Christmas Parade
Writing thank you cards to veterans at a chapter meeting
May evening meeting. 1950s fun!
Our Constitution Week Display at the Winter Park Library
Presenting a tactile braille flag to the VA Hospital at Lake Nona
Memorial Day Display at the Winter Park Library

Winter Park’s Glen Haven Memorial Day Remembrance Ceremony
The chapter placed a DAR Historic Marker at the 150-year-old Drawdy-Rouse Cemetery in east Orange County in February, 2023
State Regent Debbie Duay presented the Founders Medal to 2nd Vice Regent Elaine Powell at our November 2021 meeting. “The Ellen Hardin Walworth Medal for Patriotism — Honors an adult (21 years of age and over) who has displayed outstanding patriotism in the promotion of our American ideals of “God, Home, and Country” through faithful and meritorious service to community, state or nation. Examples include, participation in church, scouting, conservation, hereditary, historical, genealogical or organized sports. In addition, one who has performed outstanding service as a member of the military, religious or business community may be considered for this award. Their deed, service or educational pursuit must go beyond their employment obligations or normal duties. DAR members may not be considered for these medals if related to DAR activities.”
September 2021 Friendship Luncheon
We honored a past regent who celebrated her 100th birthday!
Sandy Spitler shared this photo of a monument in honor of her 6th Great Grandmother, Rebecca Emery, who has a DAR Chapter named after her!
“All of these revolutionary war patriots are buried in this graveyard in Kingston, NY. I took a photo at six of the graves!
“All of these revolutionary war Patriots are buried in this graveyard in Kingston, New York. I took a photo at six of the graves. I had a very American 4th of July! Visited Ft. Montgomery, New York on the Hudson River & had a great costumed interpreter & also saw a six pound cannon firing & a musket firing. Then we traveled to Von Stuben’s headquarters. He whipped the Continental Army into shape! By the way, the musket weighs about 20 pounds!! Can’t imagine marching with it or running with it!”
On July 15 Karen said: “Early morning walk in Mystic, CT & came upon this tiny graveyard with lots of American Revolutionary War veterans! Many of the grave markers were legible!”
Donating toiletries to Veterans at the Lake Baldwin VA Clinic, for the Veterans Committee.
At the April 14, 2021 chapter meeting we honored chapter member Barbara Walters-Phillips by presenting her with the DAR Founders Medal — The Mary Smith Lockwood Medal for Education. Barbara voluntarily teaches aviation to students.
Patriots’ Bench Dedication Ceremony, Winter Park
September, 2020
Click on link below to hear the singing of American the Beautiful:
Chapter Members Commemorate Women’s Suffrage at the 2020 FSSDAR Spring Conference
We participate in Wreaths Across America at TWO Winter Park Cemeteries — Palm and Pineywood.
Florida State Regent signs our charter and addresses our membership.
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For more information contact Regent.
For corrections, please contact webmaster.
Updated 5 October 2023