First Vice Regent – April Douglas
Second Vice Regent – Shari Lewis
Chaplain – Mary Simon
Recording Secretary – Rebecca Gilbert
Corresponding Secretary – Honorary Regent Bettie Jenkins
Treasurer – Cheryl Gray
Registrar – Diane Millman
Historian – Guyla Rippard
Librarian – Andrea Stine
Curator – Honorary Regent Judy Dowden
Parliamentarian – Carol McMorrow
Miss Mary A. Bargar* # 1957-1958
Mrs. James A. Keezel* 1958-1963
Mrs. Russell C. Schnurr *+ 1963-1965
Mrs. J. Edwin Draper* 1965-1966
Mrs. J. L. Saylors* 1966-1967
Mrs. James G. Rotes* 1967-1969
Mrs. C. Verne Bowen* 1969-1971
Mrs. James L. Strait, Jr.* 1971-1973
Mrs. Gerald H. Blessing* 1973-1975
Miss Elizabeth Chase* 1975-1977
Mrs. Stephen M. Rose 1977-1979
Mrs. Ronald J. Galli, Sr.* 1979-1981
Mrs. Willard W. Welch* 1981-1983
Mrs. Eleanor R. MacDonald* 1983-1985
Mrs. Charles C. McDaris* 1985-1987
Mrs. Arthur E. Lott* 1987-1989
Mrs. Patricia Schnurr+* 1989-1991
Mrs. Elizabeth “Betsy” Sires Malchow+* 1991-1993
Mrs. Carl E. Grimmer 1993-1995
Mrs. Martha DeNeen Cotten* 1995-1997
Mrs. Elizabeth “Betsy” Sires Malchow+* 1997-1999
Mrs. Robert Lodge Jones 1999-2000
Mrs. Nancy Cotter Esler 2000-2005
Mrs. Mary Jewel Horner * 2005-2007
Mrs. Judy Dowden+ 2007-2009
Mrs. Jan W. Mercadante+ 2009-2011
Mrs. Katherine Bennett Frazer 2011-2012
Mrs. Lois Ann Lichtenwalter Hernandez 2012-2013
Mrs. Jan Wilson Mercadante+ 2013-2015
Mrs. Virginia Patton Saunders 2015-2017
Mrs. Bettie Lively Jenkins+ 2017-2019
Mrs. Ann Hudson Maner + 2019-2021
Mrs. Leslie Miller Beltz 2021-2023
* Deceased # Organizing Regent + Honorary Regent
William P. Duval Chapter, NSDAR
P.O. Box 1839
Winter Park, Florida 32790–1839
The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR. Hyperlinks to other sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters.
For corrections, please contact webmaster Elaine Powell.
Updated 13 May 2024